
Twitter Quitter

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate Advocate

If you're thinking about using Twitter to grow your real estate business, you may want to think about the following stat:

60% of new Twitter users quit using Twitter after one month. There's even a name for them - Twitter Quitters.

Here's a copy of the results from a study by Nielsen:

"About 60 percent of people on Twitter end up abandoning the service after a month".

So what does this mean for your real estate business? 

First, don't discount Twitter because it is growing at an astonishing rate. It has grown 1,444% in the last year to almost 19 million unique users and time on site is up 522% to over 31 minutes. 

Second, make sure that you reach out to new followers as soon as they start following you because 60% of them won't be back next month. Send a direct message as soon as possible and get them into your sales channel.

April Sullivan
Real Estate Virtual Assistant Chick - Murrieta, CA
Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Twitter, to me, seems to work better business to business rather than business to consumer. 

Sep 30, 2009 06:36 AM
Ross Hair
Real Estate Advocate - Niwot, CO

Hi April,

I'm interested in why you think it works better business to business. Please tell me more.

Sep 30, 2009 06:41 AM
Robert Hammerstein
Christie's International Real Estate - Hillsdale, NJ
Bergen County NJ Real Estate

Ross - I guess I'm a twitter quitter as well and i agree with April above. I tend to contact people such as clients vendors and other through twitter but not much else. Just isn't enough time in my life.... Maybe after I finally jump in and get a smart phone that will change but for now.... I'm rarely on it...  Interesting stats though.

Sep 30, 2009 06:50 AM
Mick Michaud
Distinctly Texas Lifestyle Properties, LLC Office:682/498-3107 - Granbury, TX
Your Texas Lifestyle is Here!

Its just one more "channel" in reaching people.  For those who are into this mode of communications, its great.  If you want to have a good following, have good content.  Same as a web site.

I'm almost tweeted out, but I keep at it.

Sep 30, 2009 06:51 AM
Jane Peters
Home Jane Realty - Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles real estate concierge services

I am a Twitter Quitter and proud of it.  Just can't do it all and I would rather concentrate on a couple of things and do them well rather than spread myself thin. 

Also, in all honestly, I can't see hardly anyone in my sphere of business influence twittering.  Twitter has its place, but I don't belong there :)

Oh, and Go Dodgers!

Sep 30, 2009 07:26 AM
Bryan Fagan
Law Office of Bryan Fagan - Houston, TX

I have recently started using twitter and am still trying to figure out how to best utilize it. The one I have found that is interesting is people just randomly start following you for no aparent reason. I am still looking on activerain for someone to explain how to best utilize twitter.

Oct 17, 2009 08:27 AM
Delete Acct Desert Communities
Palm Desert, CA

I agree with Bryan's comment that I have recently started using Twitter but trying to figure out how to maximize my time using it.  Right now I think that good content on my website and good posts are still the way to generate more business.

Nov 18, 2009 01:49 AM