I cannot count how many times have I been asked by a real estate agent that dropped into meet me at the inspection ask"Can you have the report ready right away because I have to remove the conditions tonight." or the good one I like is " don't you have it on a disc for my client" Well to bad for the agent, my clients do have a number of options in which to choose their report and most frequently the most popular choice is the $275.00 NCR report, ready right after I am done with the inspection.
A few times the removal of the conditions have to be put on hold due to conditions that have to be investigated by an expert, the client is very happy but the agent is usually a little upset.
I only look out for the best interest of the client. Also watch out for the "When you are finished doing this (usually a very poor condition home)home I have a few more for you line.
Bill Gosch