
New Group Created: Loan Processors!

Services for Real Estate Pros with MyEssistant

Happy start of the week everyone!  Just a quick note to let you all know that there is a new group created for Loan Processors!  I have created this group so that the Loan Processors out there can network with each other, ask questions, strategize and show Active Rainers what it is we actually do (there seem to be some mystique revolving around loan processors!)

Our members mainly serve mortgage brokers and loan officers - but are more than happy to answer any questions that we can from all professionals & customers!

Please have a visit - and feel free to join.  We are a public group - and the more, the merrier!

Have a great night everyone - HAPPY BLOGGING!


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William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Wow, there sure are a lot of groups on AR and I am not a member of many of them. All the best. I know a loan processor and I think I will send an invitation to join and who knows from there. Congrats on the new group.


Jun 18, 2007 06:31 PM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA


Sounds wonderful!  The more - the merrier.  Please invite away!

Jun 18, 2007 06:50 PM
Charlene Hammontree
616 Realty LLC - Rockford, MI
Meeting the needs of Buyers and Sellers in MICH

Deirdre ~ When I was one... LP a long time ago, I wished there was something for me to chat with other LP's that could share the ups and downs about our jobs. Great group! MY best wishes and I will forward too!


Jun 18, 2007 07:11 PM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
You guys are the life blood of my organization! I'll be inviting a few! Thanks!
Jun 18, 2007 07:42 PM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA


Fantastic!  We definitely want to create a strong pool of individuals to swap stories and brainstorm with! 

Jun 19, 2007 04:31 AM