Marketing is an intriguing part of your daily responsibilities because if you are really good at it, you can turn nearly every opportunity in life into a marketing opportunity. It is from these daily random opportunities can end up being the bread and butter of your business. Marketing opportunities come in many different forms and as good business practice, it is crucial that you allot time into each and every day to market yourself and your business, if only for an hour at a time.
With all the focus on social networking, I suggest that good old face to face meeting with people must not be overlooked and will continue to be an important part of your marketing toolbox.
Send emails to stay in touch with past clients. A simple "just checking in" email can trigger a new project idea with a past client and they will be glad you sent some correspondence.
Set up meeting with potential new clients. Even if you are overly busy with what is on your desk now, never refuse the opportunity to meet someone who is interested in you.
Keep an active list of ideas. Ideas for marketing your services or product will strike out of the blue. When you are too busy to seriously contemplate the ideas at the time, be sure to write them down for future reflection.