CRS agent + website = easy find what I am looking for!
I was only looking for a phone number to contact the agent - and it was no where to be found on the site!
What if I had been one of those leads that wants
to talk to a live person? I realize not everyone wants to call you, but
there are some very good valuable leads out there that like to talk to a LIVE
person, or at the very least leave a message! This agent has missed all of
those opportunities!
We are all guilty of building a site and then "never" looking at it again, or not seeing what is there or isn't there! So, now is the time - go visit your site - pretend you are looking for a real estate agent - does your site offer you the information you are looking for? Better yet, first go to a city other than one you have ever lived in, and look at real estate sites for that city!
What attracts you to the site?
Which agents would you call/contact?
Was the site easy to navigate?
Make notes, now go back to your site, do you have those things on your site? Be honest!
That's all for today, as I need to give my site a few updates!
Virtual Assistant to Real Estate Agents