I recently had the opportunity to meet with Larry Montani who is our company's top producer and consistently one of the top producers nationally. He shared with me his "Top Ten Percent" strategies to becoming a top 10% performer. I'm sure there are a few ideas here we've all heard before, but sometimes it helps to hear them again.
I'd like to share them with you.
•1. Build clients for life. Customer service sets you apart. Take time to understand what they actually need. Do what you say you are going to do and do it better and faster than everyone else.
•2. Market yourself relentlessly. Keep in touch with your referral sources with mail, e-mail, phone calls, or lunch. Reach out and touch someone!
•3. Maintain a solid work ethic. Don't be afraid to work whenever and for however long. There is no sign on the front door saying "Closed on Sunday's". Let your clients know if they are " working", so are you.
•4. Build a team around you. Make sure your team has unique and unmatchable value in your marketplace. Be "game-ready" every day.
•5. Follow up. Be "system-atized " so that you have a system for everything to guarantee consistency and follow up.
•6. Set specific plans and goals. The "Top 10% Difference" means that you follow through on your plans. Plan your business in advance and make it happen. You will never get to the level you desire if you do not have a road map to success.
•7. Provide superior service. Exceed service level expectations with both client and referral source. Insure that communication is a top priority.
•8. Be out there selling. Arrive at your office early every morning so you can get a leg up on the day. Spend the majority of your time looking for new prospects.
•9. Have a dedication to the job. Be committed to working the entire day as efficiently as possible, learn from your mistakes, and continuously growing to be better.
•10. Become a student of your profession. Seek others advice and opinions. "ONE" is too small a number for greatness. Use mentors and seek coaching!!!!