
Syracuse New York - Baldwinsville New York Home Sales Data

Real Estate Agent with RealtyUSA

Welcome to my Central NY Market Report Blog. This report will give you information about the current market conditions in Baldwinsville, NY. You can also request a full comprehensive Market Report by calling my direct line at 315-882-6610 or visiting my website at

Every quarter data for Fayetteville, Manlius, East Syracuse, Dewitt, Jamesville, Cicero, Clay, Liverpool, Brewerton, and Baldwinsville NY will be posted.

Baldwinsville, NY Homes Closed in the 3rd QTR 2008 versus the 3rd QTR 2009.

Bville 3rd QTR 08-09

To find the "true" value of your home, Please Visit or call Bob McTague at 315-882-6610.

If you would like a free list of homes in Baldwinsville, NY for sale, Please visit or call Bob McTague at 315-882-6610.

"Based on Information from the Association/Board of Realtors (alternatively, from CCAR MLS, OCBR MLS, or the CNYIS MLS) for the period 3rd QTR 2008 and 3rd QTR 2009."