My November open houses will be very special. You should be there. This time of year is the perfect time to have a baking specialist do a demonstration on cookies (nothing like the smell of gingerbread when you walk in the door) I may have a Christmas tree decorated by a professional with ornaments from the local shops. Holiday recipes, decorating ideas and small gifts from the merchants participating will be there for those who come see these lovely homes on Whidbey Island. The atmosphere is festive, and isn't that what we look for when buying a home? A place to feel good. share memories, food and friendship. I will have these posted on my website at starting November 1, 2009. I suggest that you set a RSS feed to the website to be sure you don't miss these, and if you do, don't worry someone will eat that gingerbread cookie for you.
Long & Foster - Fredericksburg, VA
Jim Crawford Broker Associate Fredericksburg VA