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I attended an Open House last weekend .... and was followed around by an agent offering almonds (might have offered a few too many times).  It was a nice touch - however - it made me start wondering what a more appropriate Open House snack might be (as it was hot here last weekend and the almonds would have just made me very thirsty.)  I have put together a couple of my favorite recipes that are easy to put together and would be a big hit to Open Housers!  Enjoy.

MACADAMIA NUT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (and if you can get the home owner to bake these just before you host the open house - the entire home will smell soooooooooo good!)

TIP:  If homeowner is unable to bake ahead of time - have them place some cinnamon and vanilla in a casserole dish with water .... have them place that in the oven on medium heat for a couple of hours.  The aroma will be all throughout the house by Open House time!  (Just have them make sure the water never dries up - or it will make a nasty mess of their casserole dish!)


  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/8 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
  • 1 1/4 cups semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 2 large cookie sheets with vegetable shortening.
  2. Cream the butter and sugars together in a large bowl. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract until well blended. Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt; gradually blend into the batter. Stir in the chopped macadamia nuts and chocolate chips. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto the cookie sheets, about 2 inches apart.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown. Remove from the oven, and transfer the cookies to cooling racks.


THE OLD TRIED AND TRUE PARTY MIX (Make sure you have some water available as salty snacks can make people thirsty ... and you don't want them leaving your Open House to head to the store for a drink!  TIP:  Buy a bulk case of bottled water at your local Grocery Store.  Print new labels for the bottles on your computer with the home listing information and your contact details!  Have the bottles of water available for your Open Housers!)


  • 2 cups Wheat Chex
  • 2 cups Rice Chex
  • 2 cups Cheerios
  • 1/2 cups thin pretzel sticks, slightly broken up
  • 2 cups pecans
  • 2 cups walnuts
  • 1/2 cup Spanish peanuts
  • 1 stick margarine
  • 4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon celery salt
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 rounded teaspoon garlic powder
  • salt, to taste


Measure cereals, pretzel sticks, pecans, walnuts, and peanuts into a large bowl or food storage bag; gently stir or toss to combine.

In a large, deep skillet, melt margarine with Worcestershire sauce. Add celery salt, onion powder and garlic powder. Stir mixture to blend, and with low heat still on, add cereals and nuts. With a spatula, keep turning until all pieces are coated. Spread out on 2 large baking sheets (with sides) and place in oven for 1 hour at 250°. Use a spatula to turn ingredients every 15 minutes. Spread out on paper towels to cool. Taste and add salt, if needed. When cool, store in tightly covered container. Reheat to freshen, if necessary.





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My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA

YIKES!  I just had someone message me with a very important point that I had missed ... snacks such as these can leave crumbs and dirt throughout the house.  Another idea would be to provide them with these snacks in pretty packaging (with the listing details attached as a 'tag') as they are departing.  A 'thank-you' for viewing the house.  Or have them only available once they reach the garden or back-yard.  Ensure they finish their snack before going back in the house (allows you time to chat them up and get their feel for the place) .....

Jun 20, 2007 07:42 AM
Robert Whitelaw
Whitelaw & Sons Real Estate Services - Morgan Hill, CA
Broker, CEO, Realtor , ePro

That is a great way to get more out of an open house. There have been studies showing the positive effect of odors. Baking cookies is right up there. Others are the smell of fresh paint and newly installed carpeting. 

I once had a listing that sat around for a while. I had noticed in one of the closets that the carpet in there had been burned. So I had someone come in and just patch the walk in closet. It was a minimal expense, but it left the home smelling like new carpet. It sold within a week of that. I cannot say it was that, but the timing was interesting. 

Jun 20, 2007 09:13 AM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA
Robert.  VERY COOL!  I would never have thought of the fresh paint or fresh carpet smells! 
Jun 20, 2007 09:37 AM
Skye Hawk
At Your Service! Virtual Assistant Specialists - Fountain Hills, AZ
NAR Cert. REPA "Rockstar REVA"
Deirdre-- Now you just made me hungry and craving macadamia nut  chocholate chip cookies.  MMMMMM yummy.
Jun 21, 2007 07:09 AM