<P>Prickett Properties is now offering private golf cart rentals for our guests staying at the Indies condos we offer for rent in Fort Morgan Alabama.</P>
<P>After personally owning a golf cart for a number of years, it occurred to us that our guests were not truly getting the "full" experience of staying at the Indies. Now, our guests can rent their own private four person golf cart for $125 per stay.</P>
<P>The golf carts make the stay at the Indies convenient and fun. You can zip back and forth to the beach with all of your chairs, umbrellas etc...without any hassle. Bathroom breaks are also a whole lot easier! Its just fun to ride in the open sea air around the beautiful neighborhood of the Dunes where the Indies is located.</P>
<P>Prickett Properties is the ONLY company that offers on-site golf cart rentals, available for our guests only. Book a fabulous condo at the Indies today at
Http://www.IndiesBeachRentals.com or