"No Comment" is an intimadating phrase, isn't it? I've read blog after blog and seen the words,
"no comment". It makes you wonder who you were talking too...yourself? Or, maybe it makes you feel what you have to say is not important enough...or, perhaps, it's a popularity contest and you'll see 100's on one blog and none on the not-so-popular blogs. "No Comment!"
Maybe, if your the new kid on the block, yyou are too shy to comment and need some encouragement. "No Comment"
Why do people blog anyway? For fun? and then have no comment? .... (like high-school, your not invited to the party, awwww). "no comment"!
Or, maybe you are a dull blogger...."no comment". Maybe your a leader and not a follower type blogger, "no comment"
MAYBE, you didn't do well on the DISC test....uh,huh! "No comment"
Consider this,,, you think, you link and you blink then you blog! Aren't we cute! "no comment"
Or perhaps you know a blogger who broke the blogging rules....put their url on, name of their website, after all, there are the 10 commandments of blogging! You guessed it, "no comment" (especially from this blogger!)
So c'mon, how many out there really have "NO COMMENT" after this blog!
Mary Beth