With only 2 months remaining in 2009....whew what a year! The Mississauga Real Estate market has been witness to all of it. The market was dead, advertising pulled in nothing, listings sat and Buyers were nowhere to be found. Then the sun came out, or money started growing on trees again. I'm not sure what it was exactly but suddenly the buyers were on the hunt and they didn't like what they saw on the market, atleast in Mississauga, the inventory was not in good condition.
When the market turned for the worse, I changed strategies and pushed for buyers - and got them. We searched high and low for quality properties at a good price but the sellers weren't on board. I took a few listings with great clients - they took my advice on how to beat the market and were onboard with what I had to offer - presto SOLD and SOLD fast. Soon after the Mississauga Real Estate market was going crazy. I was involved in an offer (nothing much of a house), a townhouse at that about 15years old. It brought in 12 offers and sold firm for 35,000 over asking. Soon my properties were selling in less than 1 week and my year to date has been better than 2008!
I wish I had the answer, 'cause it's good for business. Buyers! the market has clearly shifted back to a Seller's market. For how long!?
Has the economy rebounded, are things really better. People are still losing jobs, employment has not turned around yet, those in need are still in need and we are comming up to the winter, Xmas, market.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope this season is nothing like 2008!
Interested in your comments on your market and what you are doing to stay in business.
Paul Cutajar - Serving the Mississauga Real Estate market