Ok, I am really trying to get a handle on all of this. I have 2 teenage kids and texting is all the rage. I keep saying 'just call them and get it over with". I'm still using a 'Razor' cell phone but I'm feeling the pressure of having to get a BB. Working the Mississauga market keeps me busy but I enjoy my down time. Once I get the B.B. and everyone knows I have it, when is my time mine. Do I need to 'ON' all the time? I'll deal with it but here's one I'm not understanding. I signed up for facebook a few years back. Kind of cool and fun (for a while). Now I need to 'Twitter'. Apparently millions of people really want to know what I'm doing right NOW! REALLY? Do you really want to know that I am sitting in my living room in my undies watching the news writing a blog about me in my undies writing a blog watching the news? How is this important?
So I'm reading some Tweets on Twitter. I have no idea WTF they are talking about! My kids explained what WTF means. Some girl Tweets that she is on her way to Square 1. (Mississauga's biggest Mall). Is it impolite to Tweet back - 'who cares'? So I find myself trying to figure it out. What happened to my facebook followers, after all they were here first! So I write something on facebook. Well what about Active rain buddies? Can't leave them out. What about my website blogs, can't neglect that, what about my door knocking routine, my advertising, my Open Houses, my follow ups, my mastermind meetings, my office meetings, agent's visits, virtual tour set ups, internet leads...bla bla bla. I don't have enough time to do anything with my Mississauga clients 'cause I'm too busy Tweeting. What's next? All I know is...if you don't keep up...you're OUT!
Paul Cutajar - Mississauga Real Estate