
California Jobs and the Housing Market

Real Estate Agent with Tarbell Realtors
It’s crazy, even today while on my office’s house caravan, I and fellow agents talked about buyers and the current state of the real estate market and where we are headed. One agent who for her client had submitted 20 plus offers on short-sale properties, call the agent to tell him that she had just lost her job. I than brought up the topic of jobs in California. Why aren’t we manufacturing solar panels in California? Why aren’t we converting all the United States Postal carrier vehicles to electric power? Why aren’t we converting all the truck that carries our quote-un-quote precious things from diesel fuel to liquid corn? Its funny the newspaper talks about a rebound, yet there is no action. We need to create jobs in this state. (Do you hear me Rep. Gary Miller??) The Cadillac Desert that is California is getting some must deserve rain today. It’s glorious!
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Elite Home Sales Team
Elite Home Sales Team OC - Corona del Mar, CA
A Tenacious and Skilled Real Estate Team

I agree but job production is not in anyones mind.  Instead the politicians seem to be looking to where they can spend our money and take credit for it so they can get re-elected.

Oct 13, 2009 05:48 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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