Tips to Actually Buy a Home in This Market
A colleague of mine from San Diego wrote a great blog article on what it takes to be successful in this market. While the link is below, here are the major points:
1. Buy now, when everyone else isn’t. Many buyers are going to take off for the holidays, and many agents. Catch the competition napping by taking advantage of the market now.
2. Homebuyer tax credit - don't wait to see if it is extended. If it is, great. If not, you will probably be able to negotiate a better deal from the seller who will be facing reduced demand at the end of November anyhow.
3. Consider Compromise ; this is a home buying opportunity of my 23 year career. You can keep waiting patiently for the right house, at the right price, but if you wanted to improve your chances, look a little harder at the fixers, and squeeze into a slightly higher price if you can. Those are the ones holiday buyers will shy away from, and you stand a better chance of getting a great deal while prices are still great and interest rates are still near historic lows.
The link: