Last week I had a training at a nice hotel near the airport. When I arrived, there were several COPs on bikes in the parking lot. I didn't think much of it except that it was a good thing.
When I came out of my meeting, there was a 8" x 3" card stuck on my windshield, which read:
Your car has been tagged because you have items left in your car that are vulnerable to theft...
* loose coins, money
* CDs
* GPSs, iPODs, video games
* electronic devices
* Radar detectors
* wallets, purses
* briefcases
* backpacks
* tools
* cameras
* cell phones
* power cords of any kind
* gifts, shopping bags
Lock your doors and windows, take your keys. A car is less likely to be a target if there is nothing in it to steal.
These are some great tips from our friendly Anne Arundel County Police Department.
On the local Fox news channel this morning, they ran a similar story dealing specifically with GPSs, which suggested that we even wipe off the ring created when the GPS holder is attached to the windsheild.
In case you are wondering, the only thing that I had laying visible in my car, was my cell phone charger. It is now safely tucked away in my glove compartment!
Have a great and safe day,