
Are you a good Negotiator?

Real Estate Sales Representative

I have another blogging project that focuses on negotiations. Everyone negotiates! Whether it is a parent with their children or a couple deciding were to go out to dinner, everyone is involved in negotiations on a daily basis. And yet most Americans have a negative connotation of negotiation. It is pride really. If we have enough money we wouldn’t have to negotiate. Or we think that negotiation is more like pulling to wool over some ones eyes than coming to mutually beneficial agreement.

Well we want to change that. We believe that anyone can be a good negotiator, it just takes a little practice and planning. That is where The Negotiation Board comes in. It is a forum and a Blog. The Forum is a venue for anyone to share their negotiating stories and ask questions on how to handle certain situations. The blog is for tactics and strategy discussion. Our hope is to create a community that is supportive of each others desire to improve their negotiating skills. A community dedicated to helping each other save money and reach mutual beneficial agreements with others in our daily lives.

We are just getting started but already have some great posts about getting out of a Verizon wireless contract and even one about negotiating with Comcast. We have a significant amount of tactics and skills information and training already available.

We would love to have a few guest posts from Realtors, who are expert negotiators, sharing a few of their better real estate negotiation stories. If you are an agent and would be interested in writing a guest post or two, check us out over at The Negotiation Board and let us know.

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Bob Jakowinicz
National Realty Centers Livonia--Bob Jakowinicz - Livonia, MI
Michigan Real Estate Agent-- MI Real Adventures

Jonathan, I never thought of it that way.  I guess we are all negotiating one way or another everyday, lol.   

Oct 15, 2009 05:38 AM
Douglas Fischer
East Oahu Realty - Selling Honolulu, Hawaii Condos - Honolulu, HI

I often think that as a real estate agent I am an excellent negotiator.  But, when you bring up telephone companies like Verizon, I'm a total failure.  Their illogical and irrational response always leads me to great anger and total lack of results.  I'm sorry to admit that I have broken a few phones slamming it down to hang up on an idiot phone company rep.  ; /

Oct 15, 2009 07:26 AM