
Aggressive Drivers!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with California Lifestyle Realty

In recent years, aggressive driving has increased.  When provoked, aggressive, angry drivers have been known to commit acts of violence.


  • They are high risk drivers that take out their frustrations on anybody.  Their frustration level is high and level of concern for fellow motorists is low.
  • They run stop signs and red lights, speed, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, pass on the right, make improper and unsafe lane changes, make hand a facial gestures, scream, honk and flash their lights.
  • The aggressive driver drives at speeds far in excess of the norm, which results in:  following too closely, changing lanes frequently and abruptly and threatening verbally or through gestures.


  • First and foremost, make every attempt to get out of their way.  Put your pride in the back seat.  Do not challenge them by speeding up or attempting to "hold-your-own" in your travel lane.
  • Wear your seat belt!  It will hold you in your seat and behind the steering wheel in case you need to make an abrupt driving maneuver or suddenly have to stop.
  • Avoid eye contact and do not confront them.  Looking or staring at another driver can turn an impersonal encounter between two vehicles into a personal duel.
  • If an aggressive driver is involved in a collision farther down the road, stop a safe distance from the scene, wait for police to arrive, and report the driving behavior that you witnessed.

Make the right choice, choose to drive and react courteously no matter what is happening around you.

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Michele Connors
The Overton Group, LLC Pitt & Carteret County - Greenville, NC
Your Eastern North Carolina Realtor
Ironically this post follows the heels of the Vatican making a plea with reckless drivers. Thanks for reminding us to be careful and to keep a level head. We certainly have an epidemic here.
Jun 21, 2007 06:21 AM
Lorraine Milosevich
California Lifestyle Realty - La Quinta, CA
I agree with you!  It's scary if you really think about it.  Too many people under pressure behind the wheel of a large machine! I guess the best we can do is just continue to be careful and remember whats important.
Jun 21, 2007 06:23 AM