
Tisza Shares a Trulia Voices Success Story

Services for Real Estate Pros with Director, Communications & Partner Strategies, WellcomeMat

Last week I had the pleasure of catching up with my friend Tisza Major-Posner, who is a real estate agent at I.V.P.G. Realty and blogger at Route66Living, at the 2009 CAR - California Association of Realtors Expo in San Jose California. She shared a wonderful story with me about a client she met on Trulia Voices. She also shared some of her pet peeves regarding what is an appropriate and inappropriate way of engaging consumers on Trulia Voices. Bottom line - answer the consumers question directly and don’t try to over sell yourself.

Thanks for sharing Tisza!

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"Video is the powerful, yet underutilized form of real estate marketing" - Rudy

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Elizabeth Bolton
RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate Cambridge, MA - Cambridge, MA
Cambridge MA Realtor
Hi Rudy ~ Great testimonial. It's been on my to-do list - I think I'll move it up a couple of notches. Thanks. Liz
Oct 16, 2009 01:19 PM
Robert Schwabe
Herron Real Estate - Orange Park, FL
Orange Park Real Estate

Rudy - Great testimonial. I'll have to start answering more questions on Trulia

Oct 16, 2009 04:03 PM
Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI

Yup....that's surely the bottom line....Truth and straightforward answers is what grabs the consumer....not the ME syndrome thing :)

Oct 16, 2009 05:09 PM
Tina Merritt
Nest Realty - Blacksburg, VA
Virginia Real Estate

What a great testimonial!  She's got the key with engaging consumers on Trulia Voices and making it work for her business!  Go Tisza!

Tina in Virginia

Oct 18, 2009 12:45 PM
Mario Blautzik
TBA - Rockville, MD

I just started with Trulia.  I love your Video on this post. Positive and upbeat. I'm taking your advise to heart about answering questions directly. thanks, Mario

Nov 15, 2009 11:25 PM