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NACAs Home Save Program is nationally recognized as the most effective solution for homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage providing such solutions nationwide as the largest such organization. The NACA solution is to restructure the existing mortgage by permanently reducing the interest rate to achieve an affordable mortgage payment. A mortgage restructure is not a refinance that requires eligibility for a new loan (i.e. high credit scores, high property values, etc). Since a restructure reduces either or both the interest rate and/or mortgage principal on the existing first mortgage, there are no mortgage criteria eligibility restrictions. If the homeowner is unemployed NACA provides a forbearance with a minimum payment until that have steady income to have their mortgage restructured. The only homeowners not eligible are investors who own other properties. The sole exception to this requirement is when a homeowner who lives in the home they want to restructure and the occupants of a second property are immediate relatives and they can document that they are such relatives and they live in the property.