
Staging Mannequins

Home Stager with NextStage Furniture

Staging Mannequins

As we head toward the holiday season, I can't help but point out the similarity between NextStage Furniture and the mannequins used in window displays at department stores. The store windows set scenes, enticing potential buyers with a combination of fantasy holiday displays and store merchandise. Evoking a feeling of want and desire to draw in customers who may have otherwise walked right past. NextStage Furniture is really Staging Mannequins. Just like there are differences in department stores, homes vary in price and quality. The mannequins are still just mannequins. It's how they are dressed and the scene they are placed in that sets the tone for the display. NextStage Furniture does the same thing for your stagings. We are the Staging Mannequins that you accessorize according to the architecture, price and quality of your listing. Just like the window displays help to sell potential buyers on the store's merchandise, NextStage Furniture helps the staging set the mood for your listings .