
Don't Analyze - Just Notarize!

Education & Training with LoanSigner101

I got a call from a seasoned notary/signing agent who's telling me about an "odd" signing she had today.  Seems as though the Mrs. was named first on title and all the docs of course, and her spouse (Mr) was only on the legals.  Okay, yeah, so.....

The signer proceeds to tell me how upset the LO was with her, "just because I indicated it was strange that the woman was named first!".   My reply was, "Uh, no - that's not unusual and hey, what business was that of yours!?".  The signer went on to attempt to justify her blunder, indicating that she feels it's her job to, "notice things".   

Good thing I wasn't that LO.  The signer told me they borrowers went ahead and signed but but the client called her later in the day and confirmed the proper procedure for cancelling.    And that's the competition!???  Yikes

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Ronald Gillis
Southwest Florida Notaries (Mortgage Notary Signing Agent) - Port Charlotte, FL
CNSA Southwest Florida. Notaries, Port Charlotte, 941-7-NOTARY

Although I do not know about other states, in FL who's name is first, second, ten, one hundred, etc, doesn't matter they all have equal shares and no one is above or below the other for ownership.  (unless some legal agreement to the contrary)  I would notice it, but like you said, it doesn't matter so why would I  as a CNSA bring it up???  If the couple brings it up, I would say, as far as ownership, it is irrelevant, because it is just that, irrelevant who's name is first or otherwise.


Jul 15, 2008 01:53 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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