
How can a REVA assist you market for more business?

Services for Real Estate Pros with MyEssistant

A Real Estate Virtual Assistant can be a invaluable tool when you are trying to build up your business .... here are a couple ways they can help...

(And Remember - You can use a REVA as little or as much as your business can afford - so start small and watch your business grow BIG!)

  • Maintain and update your client database.  Are you too busy out in your farming area to keep up with your incoming emails?  Have your REVA follow up for you!
  • Create and send any direct mailers.
  • Create, update & SEO your website.
  • Maintain and follow up on any lead generation software you have implemented.
  • Create a pre-listing marketing kit for you to present to clients.
  • Provide invaluable feedback on other possible marketing tools.  Remember - REVA's are specialists that pride themselves on advanced education --- they may have a suggestion that you have never even heard of.

Have a wonderful and prosperous rest of the week!

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Richard Dolbeare
Inactive - Wailuku, HI
Living the Hawaii Lifestyle

Hi Deirdre,

Thanks for your informative post.  I've added you as an associate for future reference.  I know I'm too durned independent for my own good and maybe someday I'll be able to let go and get assistance.

Jun 21, 2007 05:32 PM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA

LOL.  That is a common hiccup we run into.  Most agents do have to be independent minded in order to succeed in this business.  To overcome this - most VA's have task lists that we supply to our potential clients. Almost all agents (after some serious soul searching) are able to check off a number of day-to-day tasks that they realize they are able to 'let go' of.  And of course - once trust is built up and the agent sees their business grow and develop they are able to slowly delegate more while they focus on the 'meat and potatoes' of their business!

Remember (I heard this on A/R and love it) .... IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN ASSISTANT ... THAT MEANS YOU ARE ONE!

Have a great night.


Jun 21, 2007 05:38 PM