The top three factors in finding a home are location, location, location. One of the top three attributes of a great salesperson is persistence, persistence, persistence. You can call it follow-up, dogged determination, or stick-to-it-ness. Winston Churchill summed it up best when he said, "Never give up".
A few months ago I went on line to receive a one week trial pass to a local, upscale fitness facility called Lifetime fitness. I visited the club, received a tour and trial pass, and even tried a cycle class. Nobody from the club called to say, "Are you ready to join?" And, consequently, I never did.
One of my real estate ‘secret weapons' is having a past client follow-up each and every appointment. She calls to confirm the appointment. Then after the meeting she calls again to do a follow-up and see if any questions may have arisen.
Since she was a past client and raving fan she gives a glowing testimonial. In addition, each prospective client receives a thank you card.
Years ago I attended a class and a story was told about one of the members in that room. In 1982 his GCI was over 250k. He didn't work evenings or weekends and his main source of business was FSBO's. The secret of his success was persistence. If he felt the seller was ‘serious about selling' he visited them in person, and then called every three days. He committed to five follow-up calls.
On one visit he handed a FSBO his card at their door. The seller looked at it and ripped it up then closed the door. What would you do in that situation? Most agents would quit. A few daring souls would go to the back door and report the angry person out front. This agent returned three days later and rang the bell again. When the seller reached for his card, the agent ripped it up himself and smiled. The owner roared with laughter and invited the creative agent inside.
The lesson is don't take yourself too seriously, but persist until you succeed.
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Palm Desert, CA
I agree with your post - "never give up" is a motto that I have also instilled in my children. Thanks for the reminder!
Oct 21, 2009 10:16 AM