
Kiwanis / Lions Corn Maze Ends this Sunday

Real Estate Agent

Kiwanis-Quincy Valley Lions Corn Maze

Event Date: Through October 25th, 2009

Event Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Location: 21/2 miles south of Quincy on Highway 281

Contact: Carrie Durfee - 509-750-6937

Event Details: Looking for a little family fun? Quincy Kiwanis and Quincy Valley Lions invite to visit this year's student designed corn maze. Located on Highway 281 about 2 miles from Quincy, the maze challenges you to find your way out of its twists and turns. It also will entertain you with original whimsical primitive art and decorations.

Participate in the "Name the Crop" game and have a chance to win a nice prize at the end of the season. Bring or buy a snack and rest in the picnic area before heading home. Open weekends 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM through September and October 25 and Fridays from 3:00 to 6:00 PM in October. $5.00 per person, Age 5 and under free, groups of 10 or more $4.00. Contact Carrie at 509-750-6937 for group arrangements and visits at other times.