
CPG Tours – Shameless Self-Promotion

Services for Real Estate Pros with CPG Tours

I know, I know… this is nothing but shameless self-promotion. But hopefully I’ve posted enough tutorials and other information that you’ll forgive me this time.

It’s just that we rolled out a new version of our tours and are pretty excited about them. They will now allow higher resolution photos, and a few other cool things. Bottom line, they are now even higher quality than they were before.

And as you may know, these are tours agents create themselves using their own photos.

Please take a look and let us know what you think. We would appreciate your feedback.

Sample Tour:



Create your own high-end virtual tours in minutes. It doesn’t get any easier.

CPG Tours

Stephanie D'Elia
Real Estate and Beyond LLC - Tempe, AZ

Thanks for sharing your post with us this morning. Keep blogging

Oct 22, 2009 01:03 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

Looks good!

Oct 22, 2009 07:05 AM
Chris Olsen
Olsen Ziegler Realty - Cleveland, OH
Broker Owner Cleveland Ohio Real Estate

Hi Michael -- Very impressive product, well done.  Can I have the house in the example if I subscribe to your service? :)

Oct 22, 2009 03:32 PM
Michael Cole
CPG Tours - Corona, CA

Hi Stephanie: Thank you for the comment.

Hi Lee: We're still making tweaks to it, but thank you!

Hi Chris: Thank you for the compliment, and of course you get the house (lol-lol). Actually, we are doing an offer right now for $10-month for unlimited tours, with no setup fee or annual commitment. Just a month-to-month service.

Oct 22, 2009 10:22 PM
Monique Combs
Royal Shell Real Estate - Bonita Springs, FL
Royal Shell Real Estate - Monique Combs

Michael ~ Beautiful tour, just wish all of our listings looked like these.

Nov 02, 2009 11:16 PM