
Banks Need Realtor Advice

Real Estate Agent with Van Dorm Realty Inc 91156

Banks need to seek out advice on short sales and bank owned properties to help them sell in a timely manner.

Delays caused by bank bureaucracy can kill a transaction and cause a good client to give up hope on a property.

Wise bankers have an agent they call for advice and use as a consistent agent.  Loose less money call a REALTOR.

Amanda Wilson
EWM International Realtors, Inc. - Fort Lauderdale, FL
Real Estate Advisor

Unfortunately, the only thing banks are wise to is may be expecting too much....sad

Oct 22, 2009 03:28 AM
Terry Meyer
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sound Realtors - Olympia, WA

Bernie, I have to agree with Amanda.  To the banks, a persons home is just a file.

Oct 22, 2009 05:26 AM