
Quality of Life...Stepping Back to ask the Question, "What Matters to Me?"

Real Estate Agent with Brush Real Estate

Do you ever stop to think about why you live where you live?

This morning I'm working from my home office in Valley Center, Ca., and as I was looking out my window it hit me... this is a pretty nice place to live.

Valley Center CA, backyard w morning sun

How do we choose the places we call home?

Is it a default thing?...we grew up here, so we live here?...probably true for many folks....but a lot of us have a choice, and it's interesting to think about why we made our choices...what factors came into the equation.

If you have kids the local schools are important...most buyers I work with want to know about the school quality ratings...and the schools here in Valley Center are good places for learning...but there's more to it than just schools.

Commute times make a big difference for many buyers...when times were flush folks didn't seem to mind driving a little more so they could live in a quiet, countryside area...then things pulled back for a while with $4.50/gallon gas...but they're starting to swing again toward country areas that offer an escape from city pressures.

I think there's a another force at work here...something more than just practicality considerations...something so big that we can't even see it...but it affects our collective thoughts across America.

We're in a time of great the U.S. in general, and also here in the places we live...and that causes us to evaluate our lives.

Every day this week I've had different people saying almost the same things to me...they're ready to move back to a simpler life...the consumerism of the 2000-2006 years is giving way to a more careful evaluation of life...Hummers are giving way to Prius...spending to saving...and big McMansion homes are being exchanged for a comfortable ranch and a quiet garden.

San Diego county has the full spectrum...from downtown high-rise condos looking over the San Diego the Million dollar homes in Del country homes in Valley Center...but I see a trend across the entire area.

Folks here are taking a little time to step back and think about what really matters in their lives...and that is a good thing...

What are you seeing in your area? 

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For Detailed Info on North San Diego County, Valley Center, Escondido

Call or Email Bob Davis: 760-525-0123

CalDRE Lic.# 01719018    

Rick Cordisco
Pocono Mountain Lakes Realty - Lake Harmony, PA
Pocono Real Estate Professional

Bob , I am seeing that a lot here in the Pocono Mountains of Northeastern PA. We have had quite a few over this past summer who inquired saying they used to live here but moved and now want to move back for the simplicity that this area offers.

Oct 23, 2009 03:08 AM
Bob Davis
Brush Real Estate - Escondido, CA


Thanks for the's reassuring to see that the same thing is happening in other areas of this sure feels like people are ready to make a change back to a simpler life

Have a great Friday!

Oct 23, 2009 03:50 AM