
West Richland, WA Water Worries

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Northwest 26037

We've got us some angry homeowners...

May 10th's Tri-City Herald brought us this story...

And May 11th's story told us how the meeting turned out...

Here's a hint...not well!

The paper discusses the huge assessment assigned to Polo Club property owners (mostly 1 acre+ tracts), but the 10th's article places the eastern boundary of the irrigation district along S. Highland Blvd, which doesn't even come near the Polo Club.  I called CID, and I was told that S. Highlands is indeed the boundary, but some Polo Club homeowners would be affected.  I asked her how and she told me that the Tri-City Herald had published the boundary maps sometime back.  She didn't know when, but she knew they had been published.

Wouldn't the 10th have been a good day to reprint that boundary map?  Yeah, I thought so too.