The credit industry has really changed in the recent past but there are still a few basics which still apply to keep your good credit in good standing or to help booster your not so good credit.
First - Pay every bill on time.
Yeah this may be easier said than done but, there are ways to help those who have the means but may not manage correctly and thereby pay extra fees, unnecessarily. Sign up for you banks on line bill pay. Some banks like Bank of America offer money bonuses to sample their services.
Second - Do not cancel any credit cards. - 1/3 of your credit score is based on how much of the credit available to you you're actually using.
Third - Ask your credit card company about increasing your limit. - By increasing your limit you lower your debt to income ratio. (Don't increase your balance, just your limit)
Fourth - Check your credit reports - you are entitled by law to one free copy of your credit report each year from the credit bureaus. or call 1-877-322-8228