It's that time of the year again...Santa Ana Season!
This morning when I woke up at my home in Valley Center, I heard the Santa Ana winds whipping the trees around in my back yard...this is the way it always starts...wind in the morning. Valley Center is a little higher in elevation...and a little further east...than most towns in North San Diego we see the wind first.
As a kid I really enjoyed the hot strong winds...a last blast from summer on it's way out....but after several years of wildfires most of the fun has gone right out of this season!
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post with some insider tips for anyone facing wind-driven wildfire conditions...scroll back in my blog to read that one...but there was one thing I didn't mention...what is your plan to get back together with your family?
Many times these fires flare-up in the afternoon....and with the commute situation on the freeways it's pretty easy for families to get seperated. Add to that the terrible air quality and general panic and things that are not too stressful in good times suddenly get a lot more tense.
We have a plan that as soon as fires start we stay in regular communication...someone sticks a little closer to home to be ready to evacuate kids. valuables, and animals...and depending on the situation we pick a spot far from the action to get together.
It's important to plan...roads are closed pretty quickly now...and you don't want your kids to be seperated for too long!