
Haunted Flagstaff - It's Cooler Up Here!

Real Estate Agent with Realty One Group / Mountain Desert

It's not only Cooler here in Flagstaff - some say it's haunted as well... Here are a few suggestions to help you conduct your own paranormal investigations this weekend!

Riordan Mansion Special Halloween Tours  Riordan Mansion State Park offers special nighttime tours during the week of Halloween. "The guided tour is a storytelling session involving tales of the fantastic and the factual." The historic Riordan Mansion is a great place to learn about Flagstaff history - and get a good dose of ghostly stories as well. Tours are being offered for 4 nights, Oct. 23, 24 and 29, 30, at 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Admission for the tours is $8.00 per person, and the tours are recommended for ages twelve and older. Space is limited, so reservations are required - call (928) 779-4395.

Haunted Flagstaff Walking Tours on Saturday and Sunday through October 31st. Contact the Flagstaff Visitor Center at 928/774-9541 for details and tickets.

October 31st - Halloween Harvest Heritage Square in Historic, Haunted, Downtown Flagstaff - "Festivities include creepy carnival games, arts and crafts, a costume contest, a Downtown Trick or Treat Trail, and Casper, the movie. Haunted tours of Historic Downtown will start at Heritage Square and will leave every ½ hour starting at 4:30 p.m. Most activities are free; however a $2.00 wristband will gain you entry onto as many carnival rides as you dare."

Flagstaff has so much to offer all year long! Keep watching my blog for upcoming events and activities this fall and winter.

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Melinda (Mel) Peterson
Grants Pass, OR - Bend, OR
The Savvy Broker - ABR, CRS

Hi Patti ~ I got stuck in a snow storm once in Flagstaff.  Then I hit a parked car as my car slid in the parking lot of a hotel there.  I came out the next morning to 12 inches of snow!

Oct 26, 2009 04:45 PM
Patty Peck Flagstaff Real Estate
Realty One Group / Mountain Desert - Flagstaff, AZ
Flagstaff REALTOR

Hey Melinda - just when did that happen, someone ran into my car at a motel..... :-)

We are known for our surprise dumps - where they forecast nothing and the next day the whole town is closed - I love it!  Except for the inevitable fender bender part...

Hopefully your next visit will be more pleasant!


Oct 27, 2009 02:39 AM
Melinda (Mel) Peterson
Grants Pass, OR - Bend, OR
The Savvy Broker - ABR, CRS

It wasn't me, I promise!  It happened over 10 years ago... but certainly an event I will never forget :) 

Oct 27, 2009 03:23 PM