Sick of having a government run by special interests?
John's post really got me thinking about what is broken in our political system here in the US...and it seems like money is at the bottom of most issues.
Whatever your political persuation...Liberal, Conservtive, Moderate, Republican, Democrat...we all see manipulation of government by special interests...folks with lots of money and a desire to impose their will on other folks.
Nothing we have tried has what can we do?
Here is my suggestion for a really simple reform.....Three short rule changes that will fix just about everything:
1. If you have the right to vote you can contribute as much money as you want to folks running for office...BUT...You must be represented directly by the persons to whom you cannot contribute any money to any campaign that is out of your district or state...with the exception of president and vice-president.
2. Every cent of contribution money must be disclosed by every exceptions
3. If you don't have the right to Corporations, Unions, ANY special interest can ask your members to contribute, but you cannot contribute any money or anything of value to any political cause...ever
Our problem is elected officials who are not accountable to their constituents...politicians take money from all over the place...and when push comes to shove they are bought and paid for by that money.
If you...the citizens...are completely responsible for the money that gets representatives elected...and keeps them in office...then you will have complete control of the folks representing you...if they aren't beholden to you for the money it takes to get the office and stay will not be represented.
OK...Soap-Box time is over for today....let me know what you think...I want to see a country where every elected official really represents the wishes and needs of their districts...and let the best ideas carry the day...not just the ideas of the biggest contributors