5 steps to protect yourself on Facebook
I've always wanted to know how to make Facebook more segregated - so my friends and nieces and nephews crazy antics aren't commingled with my business connections. I never had the time to sit and figure it all out. It was on my to do list. I knew the ability to do what I wanted existed but... You know how that goes. Good intentions but lacking in results. Below is a wonderful post Rob Rauf who took care of the the research and put it into a concise post that is easy and convenient to follow.
Facebook is the world's largest social network. Disregarding this, people share all kinds of information on Facebook without thinking about who's seeing it or what effect their comments and pictures might have on them in the future. One study revealed 30% of employers use Facebook to vet job applicants. Those goofy party pics could cost you more than your dignity! So what can you do to protect your privacy on Facebook? The site itself offers lots of privacy controls and security features. Here are five steps to take to activate them:
1. Create Friend Lists Make a Work list for business, an Acquaintances list, and a Family list for relatives and close friends. Click Friends on the Facebook homepage; click Friends under Lists, then Create New List, and type in your members.
2. Set Up Who Sees What on Your Profile Mouse over Settings on the Facebook homepage and click Privacy Settings. Click Profile Privacy. Beneath each section -- basic info, personal info, status, etc. -- specify who gets to see it. This is where Friend lists come in handy. Enter Only Friends to block out the rest of the world (like employers). Edit Custom Settings lets you block specific people or lists.
3. Restrict Access to Your Address and Phone Number As above, go from Settings to Privacy Settings to the Profile Privacy page. Click Contact Information tab at the top. Use the drop-down lists to determine who sees or doesn't see things like IM Screen Name, Mobile Phone, Other Phone, Current Address, Website, or Email.
4. Set Up Who Can Find You on a Facebook Search This stops all those friend requests from old buddies. Click on Settings, then Search, which takes you to Search Privacy, where you can specify who can find you. Under Search Visibility you can choose Everyone, My Networks and Friends, Friends of Friends, or My Networks and Friends of Friends. To keep strangers from finding you, choose Only Friends. You can also specify what info displays in your search result...profile picture, friend list, etc.
5. Block Personal Info from Unknown Applications Without knowing it, you could be sharing personal information with various Facebook applications and their developers. To block them, mouse over Settings, choose Privacy Settings, click Applications, then click the Settings tab next to the Overview tab. Check and uncheck boxes next to your personal info -- picture, education, religious views, etc. This determines what your friends' applications can see about you.
This is not a complete guide to privacy and security on Facebook. But these five steps will start to create a more private and secure environment for yourself and your family on this huge social network. Better to be safe than sorry!
Have a great week!
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