
Does 50% Home Appreciation 0ver 10 years sound good?

Real Estate Agent with Brush Real Estate

5% per year...50% in ten years...sounds like some pretty good numbers right?

That's the truth in San Diego...but no one is talking about it!

The latest Case-Schiller report is all the details in a WSJ article from yesterday...everything is referenced to 2000 prices...and good ol' San Diego is there with a 153 rating...Our homes prices are more than 50% higher than the 2000 would think that would be good news!

I work a lot in the Valley Center and Escondido areas...this was ground zero for foreclosures...but we're seeing the same thing here...prices are coming back and the overall numbers for a 10-year period are still great.

Real Estate is supposed to be a long-term investment....and this report really puts things in a better perspective.

Most of the metro areas are up....even Phoenix and Las Vegas are over 100...New York is over 170....that is huge!

This is powerful stuff...what a great tool to educate our clients about the long term nature of this business...we can go through the worst crash in Real Estate History, and still be up over a 10 year span!

I know my clients are going to hear about this!!



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For Detailed Info on North San Diego County, Valley Center, Escondido

Call or Email Bob Davis: 760-525-0123

CalDRE Lic.# 01719018    

Barbie Burke
Respect Realty - Tempe, AZ

Great post about what we all have known in real estate for years - it is a solid investment.  This beats all the negative news out there since the foreclosures have taken over the headlines everywhere including here in Phoenix. 

Oct 28, 2009 01:42 AM
Bob Davis
Brush Real Estate - Escondido, CA


Thanks for the comment...I have kids in looks to me like here in San Diego we are about a year ahead of you as far as the market things should start really picking up for you in the spring!

Take Care

Oct 28, 2009 02:33 AM