
Fall Back Time - I don't think so...

Services for Real Estate Pros with Homes For Heroes

Fall is the time of year of harvest, stowing things away and hunkering down for the winter.  The old phrase of "Fall back and Spring forward" is a reminder for our clocks and smoke detector batteries.  But too many people take the phrase "fall back" in the fall too literally!

Fall should be a time to spring into action and set a new course for the coming year.  This is the best time to look at your business and make adjustments.  What elements of marketing your business"worked" and "didn't work" during this last 10 months.  January is just around the corner.  The proverbial "best real estate month of the year."  Was that true for you last year?

So instead of "Falling Back" - fall forward.  Analyze, make changes, plan ahead for a new direction for your business this fall before it's too late.

Your marketing dollars shouldn't only go for listing properties - earmark dollars to market yourself too.  Find a niche - find a way to set yourself apart from the pack.  Find a way to re-invent yourself for 2010.  Start now, before it's too late, because fall is the time to spring forward.

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Sara Woolford & Steve Golson, ALHS
iTexas Realty Co. - San Antonio, TX

Hi Brad-  When the other marathoners fall back a bit, isn't it time to sprint into fall? --Sara

Oct 29, 2009 06:28 AM
Douglas Fischer
East Oahu Realty - Selling Honolulu, Hawaii Condos - Honolulu, HI

I am so glad to be living in Hawaii where there is no change in daylight savings time.  When I lived on the west coast, it was always difficult making the change.  I think it is harder on our body rhythms and sleep patterns than we realize.

Oct 29, 2009 08:31 AM
Mary Yonkers
Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate - Erie, PA
Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor

Brad--What a good idea!  I like your suggestion.  Analyze the year.  What worked what didn't and plan for Jan. 1st.     Mary

Oct 29, 2009 11:02 AM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic

There are changes to be made and to be made soon. Looking forward to 2010.

Nov 02, 2009 08:33 AM