This past Monday was National Breast Cancer Awareness Day, part of the larger Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast cancer affects many women and their families; a woman has a 1 in 8 risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. And that’s exactly why Trulians are doing our part to raise breast cancer awareness and to support Susan G Komen for the Cure.
For every Trulia Pro premium marketing subscription purchased through the end of the month, Trulia will donate the first month’s fee to Susan G Komen for the Cure. Just use code PINK at billing to make sure your money is donated to this fantastic organization. In addition, Trulia has donated on-site ad space to the cause and has launched an employee donation program.
Other ways you can do your part to support breast cancer awareness and help find a cure:
- Donate to a national cancer non-profit or to a local cancer treatment center
- Encourage women to check with their doctors about when to begin regular mammograms - then to have them!
- Write your member of Congress to say that early detection and treatment programs be included in any national health care legislation.
I’m happy to say that my mom is a breast cancer survivor. Let’s all do our part to make sure more women are survivors, too.
Agents: what other causes do you support in your local area?