
Trulia Helps Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Services for Real Estate Pros with Director, Communications & Partner Strategies, WellcomeMat

By Katie Wickham

This past Monday was National Breast Cancer Awareness Day, part of the larger Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Breast cancer affects many women and their families; a woman has a 1 in 8 risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime.  And that’s exactly why Trulians are doing our part to raise breast cancer awareness and to support Susan G Komen for the Cure.

For every Trulia Pro premium marketing subscription purchased through the end of the month, Trulia will donate the first month’s fee to Susan G Komen for the Cure.  Just use code PINK at billing to make sure your money is donated to this fantastic organization.  In addition, Trulia has donated on-site ad space to the cause and has launched an employee donation program.

Other ways you can do your part to support breast cancer awareness and help find a cure:

  • Donate to a national cancer non-profit or to a local cancer treatment center
  • Encourage women to check with their doctors about when to begin regular mammograms - then to have them!
  • Write your member of Congress to say that early detection and treatment programs be included in any national health care legislation.

I’m happy to say that my mom is a breast cancer survivor.  Let’s all do our part to make sure more women are survivors, too.

Agents: what other causes do you support in your local area?

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