First Time Home Buyer Credit Cliff Hanger . . . To Be Continued!
The Senate is working on approving The First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Extension. Part of the proposal is to Expand The Home Buyers Credit for existing home sellers/home buyers but so far there is no Senate Vote. Possibly next week there may be a vote ready to go to the House and from there who knows?
From Soap Operas like Days of Our Lives (”tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode”), to Dallas, we’re drawn to cliff hangers. Who didn’t tune in to find out, Who Shot JR?
Remembering Saturday afternoon at the movies…return on deposit money pennies were saved from collecting empty Coke bottles, and then spent on Saturday afternoon movie adventures. We were transported by the story, as only children can be, until these words popped onto the screen …”To Be Continued”. They were delicious seconds of anticipation. But even before I could read, I’d cover my ears from the hoots and hollers, catapulting me back to reality as the lights came up.
See Main Line Pa Today for more discussion about the First Time Home Buyers Extension: