
Ogden Valley Condo Market

Real Estate Agent with Destination Properties

Although $/FT2 is not a perfect measure, this metric provides a good view of the market overall, and helps to identify trends.  Listed below is annual data providing a historical snapshot of the Ogden Valley condominium real estate market.  A large percentage of recent sales in 2009 are distressed, meaning many are short sales, REO or bank-owned properties.

Year     AVG $/FT2

2000    $104/FT2

2001    $106/FT2

2002    $114/FT2

2003    $102/FT2

2004    $145FT2

2005    $173/FT2

2006    $232/FT2

2007    $245/FT2

2008    $198/FT2

* January - March 2009     $137/FT2 

* April - June 2009           $154FT2

* July - September 2009   $171/FT2

* October 2009 (5 Condos sold to date)   $177/FT2

Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions or provide additional information.

Thanks,North Fork of the Ogden River, Liberty Utah

John Allaire

Prudential Utah Real Estate - Eden