So there has been lots of "push" for the extension of the first-time homebuyer tax credit and the ability for others to take advantage of $6500, and I have very mixed feelings. Obviously, I want people to buy and sell homes, and I want to keep the economy moving. The problem is that I feel like we are bandaiding the issue and not truly solving the issue. Just like with any difficult thing in life, we have to go through pain and perseverance before we can reap the rewards. We have definitely had pain (and I can say that have been on the fortunate side of the pain) but instead of persevering through the roughness, we are taking an easier path by throwing money at the problem.
I keep typing, deleting, and re-typing because I feel like I could go on for several minutes on this topic and since I have mixed feelings, I could go with either side...guess I am just venting a little...
Let me know your thoughts!! Thanks for reading!