

Real Estate Agent with Leisure American Realty/Jakus Realty Team

Most listings expire for two main reasons. 

•·       First, they are priced too high

•·       Second, they are not marketed correctly.

As Real Estate Agent in Lee County I care about my clients.  I want you to achieve your goal of selling your home.


 Why was your home overpriced?  Did your former agent do a comparative market analysis?  Did your listing contract reflect that price or did you "talk your agent" into listing at a price that was not in line with the current market value in your area?  A listing agent who will take an over-priced listing, knowing full well that the property will "sit" for months without any activity, is not doing you any favors. 

 To be perfectly truthful, any agent can use your high priced listing to his/her advantage.  If a prospective buyer inquires about your property, a buyer's agent will show them your home knowing full well that the prospective buyer won't "go that high" and then show them a comparable property at "fair market value" and close the deal.  It should have been your home that sold. 

 Work with an agent who knows the local real estate market and can show you in black and white with a CMA (comparative market analysis) of your neighborhood and local sales figures. Don't put an "emotional" price tag on your home.

 Perhaps you are not in the financial position to offer a conventional sale to a buyer.  You may be "upside down" on your mortgage.  In this case, we need to explore the possibility of a "short sale". 


Did the description of your home say "Nice 3/2 with pool"? or did it emphasize the qualities of your home? 

 As I look through the expired listing on our local MLS, I am not surprised why some listings expire.  There might be one fuzzy picture of the outside of the home taken from the tax rolls and a basic description that would fit almost any home in the area and a price that just doesn't "fit". 

 How much internet exposure did your property get?  Do you know how your home was marketed?  Did you receive weekly updates from your listing agent?

 Homes expire because of lack of communication from the listing agent to the seller about the Real Estate Conditions in the local area. In today's market especially agents need to continually re-evaluate current local market conditions and adjust the strategy for selling your home. It may not always be an adjustment in price.  It might be painting a couple of rooms and cleaning the carpets or some repair work that you've put off.  All possibilities need to be explored. 

 The relationship that develops between you and your Real Estate agent needs to be built upon Trust.  When you have trust in your agent, you will trust the recommendations that they make to get your home Sold.

  Trust is developed through Communication.  The majority of sellers I talk to whose listings have expired will tell me that the last time they heard from their agent was when they signed their contract. A lot of them weren't even aware that their house wasn't on the market anymore. 

 If your listing has expired or is about to expire and your home has not sold, I would appreciate the opportunity to show you my pricing and marketing strategies. 

 When you have any Real Estate questions, whether you are Selling, Buying or are interested facts about  the current local Real Estate market, please call me at  239-826-7322.