
How to Prepare for an Open House

Real Estate Broker/Owner with First Class Waterfront Properties, LLC - Acquisitions and Divestitures BK3256142

It happens to everyone at one point or another during our lifetimes and it usually happens more than once. We find ourselves preparing for a major event: wedding day, graduation, new baby, selling our homes; so here's the big question - what do these events have in common with each other? Yes, they are life altering, yes they are stressors, and most times they are happy occasions. But what else do they have in common? They tend to generate very large to-do the caterer, call the florist, pick out the color schemes, rent the hall, etc. etc. etc...

What does all of this have to do with preparing for an open house? Well, for starters out comes the famous to-do list followed by the big scramble to find time for completing our list. It has happened to me and I am sure it has happened to you - there have been times when I was so busy that I found myself over thinking and forgetting to take care of the basics (especially when it comes to computer troubleshooting). In case you find yourself in this position, I have decided to post a pre-open house to-do list.

1. Pack up half of your belongings - this will help to eliminate clutter and get you ready for moving day.

2. Pressure wash the outside of the house and driveway.

3. Clean your gutters, outside windows, and screens.

4. Make sure the front door is inviting. Freshen with a coat of paint, new house numbers, and new lighting fixtures.

5. Buy a new welcome mat.

6. Organize all closets and drawers. Buyers will look!

7. Make necessary repairs before your open house.

8. Shine every surface, from ceiling fans to baseboards; that also includes windows, mirrors and floors.

9. Clean and scrub every surface in the kitchen and bathrooms.

10. Depersonalize every room; remove family photos, posters, and non-generic artwork.

11. Neutralize odors.

12. Hire a home stager to create a neutral space that will appeal to buyers!



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Mark Hall
Realty One Group Cascadia - Vancouver, WA
Homes for Sale Vancouver Washington

Excellent tips for sellers. If someone follows your tips they should have great success!

Nov 04, 2009 01:46 PM
Lynda Eisenmann
Preferred Home Brokers - Brea, CA
Broker Associate ,CRS,GRI,SRES, Brea,CA, Orange Co

Hi Catherine,

Good info. In our neck-of-the-woods, garages are a big deal. I'd add clean out and organize your garage.

Nov 04, 2009 01:48 PM
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin Homes Realty LLC - Franklin, TN
Franklin TN Homes for Sale

Sellers need to realize these things really are necessary to getting their home sold.

Nov 04, 2009 01:53 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Catherine-  All good advice, especially #12!!

Nov 04, 2009 02:04 PM
Kate Paris
First Class Waterfront Properties, LLC - Acquisitions and Divestitures - Orlando, FL
Broker: Residential - Commercial - Hotels

Mark, thanks for commenting; hopefully all of your clients will follow these few simple ideas, making your sales faster and easier.

Lynda, your right, garages are often overlooked as additional space with value.

Tammie, you are so right! Of course getting them to realize how necessary these steps are can be the challenge.

Kathy, somehow I knew you would like #12; I have to admit it is one of my favorites too!

Nov 18, 2009 02:04 AM
Deena Cottingham
GreenApple Staging & Images, Calgary Staging & Photography - Calgary, AB
Home Stager & Photographer

Good summary, Catherine! Most people get a little frightened when I tell them buyers will look into their cupboards and closets, but I reassure them that this is a good thing. Buyers who are starting to do that are also starting to get really interested!

Dec 12, 2009 03:05 AM
Kate Paris
First Class Waterfront Properties, LLC - Acquisitions and Divestitures - Orlando, FL
Broker: Residential - Commercial - Hotels

Thanks Deena! You make an excellent point - buyers show their interest in your property when they start looking at everything.

Jan 19, 2010 08:09 AM