Ron Gaubert Realtors
$1,975,000 134 Ortego Ln
According to®, an average online listing with a virtual tour receives 38% more views than listings without tours. Major MLS real estate sites such as Realtor, Google Base, Trulia, Zillow and others are now accepting Virtual Tours in addition to traditional picture galleries.
89% of consumers use the internet to search for city/towns, homes, churches, hotels, health clubs, restaurants, hunting lodges, vacation spots, etc.
Virtual tours are like having a 24x7 open house - available online without agents or the home seller having to show the property. It's a tool to help you and consumers pre-qualify properties, saving everyone time. This means you sell your property faster and will also save you time and money!
" Virtual reality generates 46% more sales than still images."
360 Real Estate Virtual Tour Photography
307 11th St
Gueydan, LA 70542 (337) 501-0517