
I just came out of the theater after viewing "The Fourth Kind" and I am very disturbed!

Industry Observer

 I just came out of the Theater after viewing "The Fourth Kind" and I am very disturbed!

  Here is a post I wrote several days ago about the new movie "The Fourth Kind" and after viewing this film I became very disturbed and creeped out.

 New movie premiering Friday 11-6-2009 - (The Fourth Kind)

 My friend Travis Walton has experienced something very similar to what happened to some people in Nome Alaska and after viewing this film I feel very sorry for anyone that has experienced this type of Paranormal Activity.

 Robert Swetz (Vegas Bob)

Posted by

Robert "Vegas Bob" Swetz  

Direct: 408 410 4171

"Have a Wonderful Day"




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Mary Douglas
United Country Ponderosa Realty, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado - Red Feather Lakes, CO
REALTOR, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

VB-  I'm sorry you found the movie disturbing.  I think I will take a pass, and watch something much lighter :-) 

Nov 06, 2009 03:51 PM
Tim Lorenz
TIM LORENZ - Elite Home Sales Team - Mission Viejo, CA
949 874-2247

Isn't that why you went in to be disturbed when you came out from that show.

Nov 06, 2009 04:28 PM
Debra Leisek
Bay Realty,Inc Homer Alaska - Homer, AK

I am not going... too close to Nome for comfort... and it is way on the other side of the state.... theres no place like Nome!

Nov 06, 2009 05:30 PM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Tim - I did go to be disturbed but I didn't think it would stick in my mind as much as it did! And what really bothers me is all these types of encounters, etc, and the government still denies any of this stuff as being real

Debra - Nome may be on the other side of the state but if these creatures or what ever they may be can travel such a far distance, Homer Alaska is only seconds away.

Sorry for the scar my friend!

VB ;o)

Nov 06, 2009 09:11 PM
Craig Richardson
National Realty - McLean, VA

Robert, thanks for the post.  I too will probably skip this one as well.  One must be very careful when dealing with the's not an area to dabble.

Nov 06, 2009 09:18 PM
Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®
RE/MAX Platinum - Waukesha, WI
Giving Back With Each Home Sold!

Wow...I have been too busy seeing MJ's THIS IS IT to see anything else....Go to this one instead!!!!

Nov 06, 2009 11:20 PM
Betty Knowles
Southwest Missouri Realty - Springfield, MO
Ready to sell? Call Betty!

This is a little off topic but have you noticed that movies that were a R rating a few years ago are now PG-13? There were some westerns that were R because of violence that now would be considered tame.

Nov 06, 2009 11:24 PM
Ann Allen Hoover
RE/MAX Advantage South - Hoover, AL
CDPE SRES ASP e-PRO Realtor - Homes for Sale - AL

It does look scary!  I'm curious, but I think I'd rather have someone tell me about the movie rather than watch it.

Nov 06, 2009 11:30 PM
Caren Wallace
Premier Property Group LLC - Tualatin, OR
Portland Caren Real Estate

VB, I heard that this is a chilling movie and I am sure those who like this kind of movie will be entertained. I cannot see these kind of movies if I want to sleep!!!

Nov 07, 2009 12:55 AM
Tony & Darcy Cannon
Aubrey and Associates Realty - Layton, UT
The C Team

Bob, I am not into those kinds of films, so I probably wouldn't have watched it anyway, but thanks for telling us about it.  Weird photo to accompany the review, what is it?


Nov 07, 2009 05:46 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Tony & Darcy - This is a photograph of a owl that people have been seeing in Nome Alaska only to find out it is not a owl but a Alien!

Nov 07, 2009 06:15 AM
Kathleen Cooper
Kathleen Cooper, Sposato Realty Group - Worcester, MA
Sposato Realty Group - Broker Owner

I like scary, I think I'll have to go check it out.  I saw the MJ film the other night. It was like being there in concert.



Nov 07, 2009 06:28 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Kathleen- I would like to check out the MJ film, maybe next week and come back and let us know what you thought of the fourth kind!

Nov 07, 2009 06:33 AM
Christine Donovan
Donovan Blatt Realty - Costa Mesa, CA
Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M

This kind of movie just creeps me out.  It sounds like I have absolutely no need to see this one.

Nov 07, 2009 07:07 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Christine - I had goose bumps all through the movie!

Nov 07, 2009 07:09 AM
Hannah Williams
HomeStarr Realty - Philadelphia, PA
Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376 you know I posted this video trailer..I don't think I am going to see it especially if it creeped you out...i know you like this kind of stuff...

HelpfulHannah your friend in Philadelphia

The Movie Club
Post is included in group: REEL2REALTORS
Post is included in group: PARANORMAL STORIES & EXPERIENCES
Post is included in group: M.A.N.C.R.O.W

Nov 07, 2009 07:16 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Hannah - I did see your post when I was looking around and I am still disturbed after viewing it last night!

VB ;o)

Nov 07, 2009 07:19 AM
Chris Fisher
Your Virtual Assistant - Concord, CA

Vegas Bob, I think I will be watching this tonight, but I can imagine how it sticks with you.  To think these are documented events, well that is plain terrifying.  (If this post were in The Movie Club, I would feature it.)

Nov 07, 2009 08:45 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Chris - Thanks and Done!

VB ;o)

Nov 07, 2009 10:13 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

I think you will really like the movie Rick!

Nov 08, 2009 12:44 AM