
Help Walk Score update their transit information

Real Estate Agent with Realty Executives

If you are an agent that sells homes near transit lines or that feels like living near a light rail system could be a benefit to home owners or investors, I would ask that you contact your local transit authority to get your area added to the Walk Score system.

Walk Score is a great tool we have used for quite some time to allow people to “score” a home based on it’s “walk-ability.” While I believe it is a great tool, I hadn’t really been quite as excited as one might think, mostly because their algorithm hadn’t included public transportation, mainly, light rail.

Recently, that excitement has changed slightly as I have seen several blog posts about new transportation data being used in evaluating a Walk Score. The reason I say slightly is because the Phoenix Metro area does not yet have the super cool transit functionality built into the search. ( Flagstaff has it!?!)

Getting the data necessary to add transportation to the Walk Score system is easy. There is a form we can all fill out to request our transit agency to submit a transit feed to make it happen. If you are interested in transportation or are interested in living near the light rail line, please fill out that form and let them know.

Please feel free to leave a comment here and add to the discussion BUT, please also head over to the blog post I wrote about this topic on the Rail Life blog and leave a comment there as well. I would like to get some reactions from some of the "transit geeks" that read the Rail Life blog and it would be great to have them see what some of the people from Active Rain have to say about the Walk Score information. If you are not familiar with Walk Score, you might want to check them out. It is a fun way to tell people how "walk able" their neighborhood.


Walk Score



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Nick Bastian is a Tempe real estate agent specializing in the South East Valley and can be reached at 602-803-6425

Nick also writes a "hyper-local" blog about the communities, events, businesses and homes near light rail in Phoenix, Tempe and in Mesa.
Follow Nick on Twitter and on Google+!


Kent Simpson
Realty One Group Mountain Desert - Tucson, AZ
Real Estate Is About People

Thanks for pointing this out Nick - just filled out the request on WalkScore for Tucson to be included - and will be calling a friend who works for SunTran to see if he's got any pull in getting this out!

Nov 09, 2009 12:49 PM
Nick Bastian
Realty Executives - Tempe, AZ
Real Estate Agent - Tempe

Thanks for stopping by, Kent! I love what Walk Score is doing with this and think it will be really beneficial to add transit information.

Nov 09, 2009 01:27 PM
John Thomas
E3 Green HOMES - Boulder, CO
EcoBroker, MSEE, MBA

Thanks Nick...I agree the walkscore is valuable information. Metrolist here in Denver includes the walk score on the MLS, but a lot of IDX solutions are yet to incorporate it.

Nov 10, 2009 12:42 PM
Nick Bastian
Realty Executives - Tempe, AZ
Real Estate Agent - Tempe

Hi John... I am sure many of your clients would find this information very useful. I hope we can get the transit information updated soon! :-)

Thanks for stopping by!

Nov 10, 2009 01:32 PM