By now lots of us have likely heard something about, the website that lets you build a "word cloud" like the one below which is made of words used in a post. The most used words appear larger and seldom used words appear as smaller.
While that is a very cool application to add some color and visual interest to a post, there may be occasions where you want words other than the most used ones to appear larger and more prominent.
There's a very easy way to make that happen by simply 'cheating' when you paste your word cloud in to Wordle to transform it. In this example I'm deliberately only using the words "Knoxville Real Estate" and "Jim Lee, Realtor" one time to illustrate my point.
Here's the normal Wordle with all the words in this post as you see it.
Simply by adding them multiple times ( I added each one 6 times) you can dramatically alter the output of your Wordle world cloud should you have a reason to want to.
Here's the same word cloud as above with the added keywords mentioned above.
And to capture the above Wordle files I used MWSnap, a free screen capture utility that has a lot more functionality than simply using the print screen key on your keyboard and it's my favorite price, FREE!
BTW, even though MWSnap is freeware someone had to work to develop it. I made a contribution to that person from the site I downloaded it from.
Happy cheating. ;)
PS, I saved the above images as .JPG files which also gives you the option to insert (slip) your own keywords in the image description and title when you insert the file into your post.