
PreApproved Short Sales and Streamlined Short Sales in Phoenix Metro

Real Estate Agent with United Brokers Group

I'm so happy to see lenders finally realizing that if they just work with homeowners and help them short sale houses, it benefits everyone.  Helping families avoid foreclosure is my passion.  I saw a great presentation today by Wachovia about their pre-approved and streamlined process.  YES!  I can help more struggling homeowners.

It's a good day!  That and the new Bon Jovi album was released!

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Dean Carver
United Brokers Group/Carver Home Team - Ahwatukee, AZ

I agree Deb! Wachovia is leading the way! Even Golden West and World Savings mortgage holders who want to short sale can now get access to pre-approved short sale programs!

Nov 15, 2009 03:01 AM
Debbie Hill
United Brokers Group - Chandler, AZ

I know!  Can you believe we have our own contact and she's only a call away?  We can really help our sellers

Nov 16, 2009 10:25 AM