
TBD Batt Corner Road Wilder Idaho 83676

Real Estate Agent with Homes of Idaho

Wonderful 40 acre property with in the Snake River Valley Viticultural AreaWilder Property  This property sits with in the Wilder Planned Unit Development and is with in a 1/2 mile of all city services. The property also has one administrative split avialable for the new onwer and there is a strong possibility of a conditional use permitt to develop. The area is becoming a destination get away with larger city amenities with in a half hour drive. Many wineries already winning top awards and are thriving.  $500,000.00


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Connie Lou Barnett
Real Living/Home Realty - Owensboro, KY

Good Morning Liz,

    This looks like a nice piece of property. Is this in a area that could be development?  The price sounds right. LOL

Connie Lou

Nov 13, 2009 01:09 AM
Liz Hosbein
Homes of Idaho - Meridian, ID

Yes it is. There is a subdivision that is being developed just to the north and there is one already in the planning stages to the west. I am very optimistic that this land will eventually be developed, but in the mean time it is a great agricultural parcel. The planned unit development of Wilder has this area planned for homes as the town grows.

Nov 13, 2009 01:19 AM