
Sweet Charity!

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 Sunshine               SUMMER IS HERE.  



The weather is improving.  The sun is showing his face a bit more often. My umbrella has been stashed in the trunk of my car.  

Now...are you looking for another reason to feel GREAT?

How about some summer charity events?


 Fruit Valley Open Charity Golf Tournament

Raising funds to meet basic daily needs families in the Fruit Valley Community.

July 13, 2007 1-6 pm.

Tri Mountain Golf Club 1701 NW 299th St, Vancouver, WA


Evergreen Habitat for Humanity Fore X Fore Golf Tournament

Second annual golf tournament for the local Habitat for Humanity affiliate.

July 27, 2007

The Cedars on Salmon Creek 15001 NE 181st. St., Vancouver, WA


Beaches Summertime Cruisin

An event with the goal of raising $100,000 every summer for kids in need.

Every Wednesday Night  June-August

Portland International Raceway


American Cancer Society Relay For Life

A moving 24 hour walking relay raising money for cancer research and celebrating survivorship.

July 21, 2007

Columbia River High School 800 NW 99th St., Vancouver, WA


See you out and about this summer!
