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Customer Testimonial

Services for Real Estate Pros

I just wanted to check in with you and say thank you and your company for your help. Since having your team, our credit score has increased 150 points over 7 months.

 We are planning on closing on our first house next month!

-Joel, Texas


Active Rain Members-

We would love to work with your clients.

Personally one of the most incredible feelings is to own your own home, so to be able to work with someone and help them buy their own home is very fulfilling


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Vitesse Financial has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Not only do we specialize in fixing inaccurate errors on credit reports, we educate on what you can do to optimize your credit score.

Greg Tilley

1730 South College Avenue Suite 205
Fort Collins, CO. 80525

Direct: 970.407.9110
Toll-Free: 866.407.9110
Fax: 407.9172